Cultural Room
‘Sala de Cultura’
This room, which is dedicated to the history and heritage of the islands of Madeira that lie 600 miles southwest of Portugal, is staffed by member volunteers.
Visitors can escape the noise and pace of the GTA and join us in exploring Madeiran cultural traditions as a way to honor and establish a stronger tie to Madeira.
This room houses items and gifts collected over our club’s history. It was opened so we can share with our community.
Visitors can expect to find a fascinating collection of Madeiran art and fine crafts including embroidery, lace, linens, pottery and weaving. Traditional costumes of folkloric dancers are on display along with an authentic ‘corca’ or sled used to transport visitors from the village of Monte high atop a hill outside of Madeira’s capital city of Funchal.
We are committed to growing this collection and rely on kind donations from our members and others throughout the world who have ties to Madeiran culture and heritage. If you have or know of items of Madeiran origin and are willing to consider a donation, please feel free to contact us below.
Our Madeiran Heritage Room is open during our Cultural Week Activities and by special request. Group tours can be arranged at any time with proper notice. Admission is free.